Welcome to the complete guide to the Scientific Heritage of India. Its all about how Indians contributed in the field of Science and how scientific Indians are...


Let us see one of the bright examples of Indian medical genius in  the vedic era.

Intestinal Surgery

In the blocked large intestine and urinary passage-
1. Put the patient through fermentation, sweating and massaging.
2. Make a four-finger-wide incision below the navel four-finger-wide left of hair (that stretches downward from the naval)
3. Extract the intestine and check it.
4. Removing stone, hair, or faecal matter blocking the intestine of the patient
5. Smear the intestine with honey and clarified butter 
6. Place the intestine in its original position, and 
7. Stitch the external wound of the stomach.

Plastic Surgery of Nose

(Sushutra-samhita-Sutrasthanam 16.27,28 500BC)

I will tell exactly, the method of loaning of disjoint noise. The doctor should:

1. Take nose-sized leaf of a tree supported (on the forehead)
2. Cut the skin from the cheeks to the size of the leaf.
3. Trace on the leaf the profile of the nose and 
4. Immediately join that (skin) carefully with appropriate bandage.

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